Show us how much you Love Jersey
We live on a beautiful island and all need to do our part to keep it that way. Whether you notice a hole in the road, something that needs to be cleaned or repaired, or spot a rare species of animal that we should know about, Love Jersey is the place to report it.
Use your computer, tablet or smartphone to map your location, add a photo and tell us what needs attention.
We'll take care of the rest and make sure the relevant person or team is notified.
You don't even have to do it there and then. Take a picture and tell us about the problem later on, but the sooner you tell us the quicker we can fix it. You can track our progress by looking back at your report for updates or to add new information.
Your reports may be published on the View Reports section of this website so that others can see what has already been reported, which helps avoid duplication. We will only publish the photo and description of your report and you will remain anonymous.

Get Started
Love Jersey is part of the Love Clean Streets network. It is available as both a website and an app and which you choose to use is entirely up to you.
Before you can send a report, you need to Register an account. If you've already registered on the app, you can use the same email address and request a password for the website.
Once you have signed in with your registered details, you are ready to Add a Report
You can use either the app or the website to submit and update your reports, so if you spot something when you're out and about, you'll be able to check the progress at home.
Love Jersey is not intended for reporting urgent or emergency faults. Use the emergency contact numbers.
Get our free app
Our app has changed! We have now switched over to the new Love Clean Streets app. If you were already using Love Jersey, then please download the new app from the Google Play Store or App Store
iPhone App
Android App